Privacy Policies

Effective Date: 17/05/2023

Super Long Boy

This privacy policy governs the use of the mobile game Super Long Boy (“the Game”) developed by Wanderer Games (“I” or “me”) for mobile devices. This policy outlines the types of information I may collect from users and how I use, store, and protect that information.

Information We Collect

Personal Information: Super Long Boy may store data in a Firebase database. This data is used for the online leaderboard. It includes:

  • Player Id from Firebase and Unity Services
  • Player username from Google Play Services

This data is not pass to any other platform and is never displayed to the players.

I do not collect any other personally identifiable information (such as names, addresses, or contact details) from users through the Game.

Non-Personal Information: I may collect non-personal information, such as gameplay data and anonymous usage statistics. This information is used to analyze trends, improve the Game, and enhance the user experience.

Super Long Boy may also store player progress and preferences to enable online saves.

Third-Party Services

The Game may use third-party services that collect information for analytics, advertising, or other purposes. These services may have their own privacy policies, and I encourage you to review them. I am not responsible for the privacy practices of any third-party services.

These services include:

Data Security

I take reasonable measures to protect the information collected through the Game from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, please note that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, while I strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your information, I cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Children’s Privacy

The Game is not intended for children under the age of 6. I do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If I discover that a child has provided me with personal information, I will promptly delete it from my systems.

Changes to This Policy

I may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with a revised effective date. I encourage you to review this policy periodically for any updates.


If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or my data practices, please contact me at

About Wanderer Games

Wanderer Games is a video game studio located in France. I, Brice Cagnol, am the only member of the studio. Wanderer Games website link is:

Cookies does not store any personal information into cookies.

Embedded Contents from other Websites

This website may include embedded contents (like videos, music, pictures…). This external contents behave in the same way than on the websites they come from.

These websites may collect user data, use cookies and third-party tools, track interactions with these embedded contents if you are logged in their websites.